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safety tips

9 Airport Safety Tips You Should Never Ignore

The airport is a demanding environment, especially international ones. Seasonal traffic, last-minute gate changes and fluctuating passenger volumes mean there's a lot of flexibility required on behalf of passengers to meet the needs of airport aut […]

Unable to Sleep on a Plane? Here’s Why

When you board your flight, one of the best ways to pass the time is to catch up on much-needed sleep, especially after a layover or tiring business trip. While some travellers can fall asleep easily despite all sorts of noise, others aren’t so […]

7 Secrets to Coping with Long-Term Travel

Whether you’re taking a gap year, a career break or writing a travel book, having a long-term travel plan in place is an excellent idea. But there are certain aspects of long vacations that nobody talks about. Loneliness, a need to be grounded and […]